Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oh hello legs!!!

3 sets max rep pull ups

Band Back Squats
8 Min of;
20 secs ME (max effort)
40 secs rest
[band strength should feel heavy, but still be able to have rapid squats]
Find 5 rep max on squat of your choice (i suggest the one that needs the most work)

For time;
30 Squats @ 95/75/65#
15 Push press @ 95/75/65#
800m run OR 1000m row
15 Push press @ 95/75/65#
30 Squats @ 95/75/65#
[ideally the bar should not be dropped until the run.  if the bar is dropped it must be taken from ground, not rack]

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dead Strong Man (day 3)

3 rounds for time of;
50 Air squats
400m run

2-2-2-2-2 @ 70-75%
(if form starts to fade, lighten weight)

5 rounds for time of;
3 Muscle-ups
3 Stone to shoulder ( total, not each side)

[sub for muscle-ups= 3 ring dips + 3 chest to ring pull-ups]

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oly Work (day 2)

EMOM (every minute on the minute) for 7 min
5 SDLHP @ 115/95/75# (sumo dead-lift high pull)
5 Burpees

Muscle snatch + 2 snatch balance @ heaviest muscle snatch
Overhead squat 2 x 1 @ 80%; 3 x 2 @ 65%
Power Clean & Jerk 1 x 1@ 80% of power clean


12-6-3reps for time of;
Snatch @ 135#/105#/85#
Toes to bar

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 1 / Jerk Work

Warm-up/ Skill:
Turkish Get-ups
3 x 3
3 x 5 HSPU (strict)

[my weight on TGU= 35-45-55#]


3 sets increasing in weight of;
3 strict press , into
3 push press, into
3 push jerk
 (bar can be dropped after push jerks)
Work up to heavy jerk

[press complex= 95-115-125#] & [heavy Jerk= 145,165,185,205,215,235=Fail]

4 rounds of;
1 Min of ME (max effort) DB push press @ 40#/20#
1 Min of ME Landmines @25#/15#
1 Min ME air squat
1 Min rest

[score= rd1-69, rd2-73, rd3- 74, rd4- 74]


Hello all.
Within the programming on this blog you will find multiple points of fitness covered, as always with anything CrossFit.  Majority of the programming on here is of course my own, with some Olympic lifting structure taken from Catalyst Athletics, (, and some strongman derived from Hybrid Athletics, ( ).  
The purpose of the training listed is based out of experimentation on me, to find what works and doesn’t work for me.  Rest days are purposely not programmed.  They should be taken as the body prescribes them.  In other words listen to your body. On the flips side of that, considering the intensity of some of the days, I would not recommend going past 4 days without a rest. 
Coach DL